Room 101 Farce Nicaragua y Ron Dos Maderas

Room 101 Farce Nicaragua and Dos Maderas Rum

Room 101 Farce Nicaragua - A Pure Nicaraguan Experience and its Pairing with Dos Maderas Rum

Released on April 22, 2023, the Room 101 Farce Nicaragua represents a fine example of cigar artistry under the new ownership of General Cigar Co., following the acquisition of the Room 101 brand from Matt Booth. Crafted at the historic Fábrica de Tabacos Joya de Nicaragua factory, this Nicaraguan cigar stands out for its complexity and impeccable quality.

Construction and Presentation The Room 101 Farce Nicaragua is a robust and elegant cigar with a dark, oily wrapper, featuring a solid construction with no soft spots and a perfectly applied triple-wrapper finish. It is adorned with two bands that enhance its sophisticated presentation.

Flavor Profile From the moment you light up, the Room 101 Farce Nicaragua delights with notes of natural sweetness, cocoa, and a hint of spiciness, which gently ease into the palate. As the smoke progresses, creamy notes develop, complemented by an intense oily sheen on the burn line. The second third invites flavors of dark chocolate and nuts, while the final third intensifies with a hint of pepper, maintaining a creamy background that balances the whole.

Duration and Strength This toro offers a medium to full intensity smoking experience, lasting approximately 100 minutes, allowing for prolonged enjoyment of its richness and complexity.

Recommended Pairing with Dos Maderas Rum To complement the richness of the Room 101 Farce Nicaragua, it is recommended to pair this cigar with Dos Maderas Rum. This unique rum, which undergoes a double aging process in barrels that previously contained Sherry and Pedro Ximénez wine, offers a complex profile with notes of vanilla, caramel and dried fruits, which harmonize splendidly with the dark chocolate tones and creaminess of the cigar.

Ideal Moment for Enjoyment Room 101 Farce Nicaragua is ideal for closing a special dinner or during a quiet afternoon of reflection. The combination of cigar and rum creates a sensory escape that promises to satisfy the most demanding palates.

Conclusion The Room 101 Farce Nicaragua is not just a cigar, but a complete experience that celebrates the quality and tradition of Nicaraguan cigar making. Pairing it with Dos Maderas Rum elevates this experience, making it a truly memorable moment.

This cigar, with its rich flavor palette and impeccable construction, deserves a prominent place in any humidor. It is a must-buy for those who appreciate intense and well-balanced flavors. Without a doubt, the Room 101 Farce Nicaragua is a testament to cigar art at its finest.

Until next time and I wish you good smokes!


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