La Guía del Caballero para la Etiqueta del Cigarro: Modales en Salones y Tiendas

The Gentleman's Guide to Cigar Etiquette: Salon and Store Manners

Welcome to the refined world of cigar smoking, a realm where tradition and etiquette play as significant a role as the enjoyment of the smoke itself. Whether you're walking into a luxurious cigar lounge or browsing the humidified shelves of a cigar shop, there are unwritten rules to follow. Let's illuminate the topic of cigar etiquette with the grace of a well-aged Churchill.

In the Cigar Room

A cigar lounge is a sanctuary for cigar aficionados. It is a place of relaxation, conversation and appreciation for the finer things in life. Here's how to navigate it with class:

  1. The Greeting: As you enter, acknowledge the staff and regulars. A simple nod or a quiet 'hello' is enough. The salon is a community, and recognition has great value.

  2. Selecting Your Cigar: If you are choosing a cigar from the salon humidor, handle it with care. Use the tongs provided if available, and never bring your own cigar unless the lounge allows it.

  3. Lighting: Always light your cigar with a cedar chip or butane lighter provided by the lounge. Avoid using scented candles or paper matches, as they can alter the flavor of the cigarette.

  4. The Smoke: Be aware of where your smoke is going. If the room is not well ventilated, be careful to blow the smoke upward, not into your neighbor's face.

  5. The Ash: Let the ash fall naturally. A long ash is a sign of a well-made cigar, but don't let it become a danger. Use the ashtrays provided.

  6. The Conversation: Cigar lounges are social, but respect the environment. Keep your voice at a moderate level and avoid sensitive topics that could lead to heated debates.

  7. The Farewell: As you leave, thank the staff. If you've enjoyed a particularly good cigar, a compliment to the house is always appreciated.

At the Cigar Store

A cigar shop is a treasure trove of tobacco, a place where selecting a cigar is a journey of discovery. Here we show you how to drive yourself:

  1. The Entrance: Greet the staff with a friendly greeting. They are your guides in this temple of tobacco.

  2. Handling Merchandise: Only touch what you intend to buy. The oils from your fingers can damage cigarettes. If you need assistance, please ask a member of staff for help.

  3. Seeking Advice: Don't hesitate to ask for recommendations. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced smoker, the staff's knowledge is invaluable.

  4. The Purchase: When purchasing cigars, it is good manners to purchase several different types to support the store. Avoid haggling; Cigars are a luxury item with set prices.

  5. Tasting: If the store has a smoking area and offers samples, accept them gracefully. It's a chance to try something new and maybe find a new favorite.

  6. The Exit: Thank the staff for their help, even if you haven't made a purchase. A good relationship with your local cigar shop can lead to a world of smoky delights.


Whether relaxing or shopping, cigar etiquette is about respect: respect for the cigar, the environment and the people around you. By following these guidelines, you will ensure that every puff is a pleasure and every visit is welcome. So the next time you walk into a salon or store, do so with the confidence of a connoisseur and the manners of a gentleman. Happy smoking!

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